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Critical Elements of Customer Service

2 day / 4 x 3 hrs classroom

You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives. While many companies promise to deliver an incredible customer experience, some are better at delivering than others. This two-day course is designed around six critical elements of customer service that, when the company lives them, bring customers back to experience service that outdoes the competition.

Specific learning objectives include:

• Demonstrate a customer service approach
• Understand how your own behaviour affects the behaviour of others
• Demonstrate confidence and skill as a problem solver

• Apply techniques to deal with difficult customers

• Make a choice to provide customer service

What is Customer Service?

This session will define customer service and introduce the six elements of customer service which will form the basis of this workshop. Participants will also learn about the first element: a customer service focus.

Who Are Your Customers?

In most organizations and agencies, customers take two forms: internal and external. This session will look at both types of customers, as well as all customers’ basic needs.

Meeting Expectations

This session will focus on the critical areas that customers have expectations for.

Pre-Assignment Review

Next, participants will review the answers to the pre-assignment, which asked questions about common customer service assumptions

Active and Passive Voice

Most people prefer to read writing that is in the active voice. We will discuss and practice both voices during this session

Setting Goals and Targets

During this session, we will look at setting long- and short-term goals and creating a personal vision.

The Second Critical Element – Defined in Your Organization

In this session, you will think about what your organization expects of you, and how to ensure that those standards line up with what customers expect.

The Third Critical Element– Given Life by the Employees

Next, participants will explore why customer service must be a philosophy that is practiced by all employees.

Communication Skills

This session will give participants an introduction to key communication skills, including empathy, body language, asking questions, and listening.

Telephone Techniques

This brief lecture will look at an ideal telephone call, from the greeting to the conclusion. We will also look at common situations, such as placing a caller on hold and taking a message.

Dealing with Difficult Callers

During this session, participants will work in small groups to complete a mix-and-match exercise on common types of difficult callers and appropriate responses.

Dealing with Challenges Assertively

There are many types of unexpected challenges that we encounter every day. Participants will work in small groups to develop responses to some of these issues.

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Conflict

We will examine five ways to deal with conflict

The Fourth Critical Element– Be a Problem Solver

We will look at a six-step plan for solving problems. Then, participants will role play the plan.

Seven Steps to Customer Problem Solving

Next, we will look at a plan designed specifically for solving customer service problems. Then, participants will practice using the plan in a role play. We will also look at a six-step process that you can use to turn unhappy customers around.

The Fifth Critical Element– Measure It

The only way to know what’s really going right and wrong is to measure regularly. This session will give participants some ideas for measuring customer service.

The Sixth Critical Element– Reinforce it

Next, participants will learn some ways to keep a customer service focus strong. We’ll also share some powerful phrases that can help you build a positive image.

Dealing with Stress

This session will offer some quick, easy ways to destress in any place, at any time.

Workshop Wrap-Up

At the end of the day, students will have an opportunity to ask questions and fill out an action

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